Since Covid-19, we're receiving more enquiries from developers to understand how home staging will help them sell. We're working with developers to overcome the issues associated with #EmptyDevelopmentEqualEmptyPockets. We're doing this by providing them with virtual home staging - this turns an empty development into a home, albeit virtually so buyers can visualise how the spaces within the property can be used. Once we're through Covid-19, we'll book in the developer for the home staging.
We've compiled a Q&A on the top 3 questions we're asked by developers.
They are:
Q.How much does staging cost and how much value does it add?
A.Physical staging costs between 1-2% and virtual staging costs significantly less. Our 20+year experience shows that it typically adds 8%+ to the property value and it sells 70% faster. Even with Covid-19 upon us, home staging still has a purpose because 80% of buyers can't visualise themselves in an empty development. Our virtual home staging service is particularly useful presently as it overcomes the social distancing restrictions. Even today, buyers are making offers including on virtually staged homes.
Q. What options do you have on furniture packages?
For our physical home staging service:
- we offer purchase and/or rental packages on furniture and accessories, to suit all tastes and budgets.
For our virtual home staging service:
- we offer a classic and bespoke furniture and accessory package. These suit all tastes and budget.
The end result for both services, is a home which will increase buyer interest and draw your buyer's in.
Q. How do buyers decide which properties to view using on-line property searches?
A. Prior to Covid-19, at least 69% of buyers selected the properties they wanted to view based on on-line photos only. Since Covid-19, that percentage is very likely to have increased. When presented with a list o f properties on-line, an empty development will slip down the buyer's radar as there's nothing interesting to catch their eye!

What developer questions do you have? Let us know at