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Post Covid-19: Investors

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Updated: Jul 10, 2020

We're overloaded with Covid-19 daily news and there's many opinions on what will happen post this pandemic.

Today we consider what that may look like for property investors and read with interest an article by PROPERTY SOLVERS INVESTORS. Their perspective is that if you’re midway through a property deal or planning to purchase or sell investment property in the near future – the best approach is to keep a close eye on the market and adjust plans accordingly. They recommend being sensible with finances and make careful judgements based on your current position and how it may change as the global situation progresses.

They consider a range of scenarios including:

- property companies, buyers and sellers pick up exactly where they left off

- confusion as the government determines how and when to lift the current freezes

- a slump as the result of a rise in unemployment and the suspension of lending

Their view is that:

"if interest rates remain low once lending restarts, individuals and businesses may feel encouraged to pursue their property transactions almost as soon as the freeze is lifted."

Keep yourselves informed using advice from the government and the Bank of England.

Do you agree with the opinion of PROPERTY SOLVERS INVESTORS? If not, why not? Let us know at We look forward to hearing from you.



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